Dear Question Mark,

Dear Question Mark,

I adore you.
I adore how your presence can add mystery, and how your absence can add certainty.
I’ve dreamt of a world without you; deprived of knowledge and suspicion.
It was horrible, and bland.
That’s why I adore you.
You’re exciting, and impossibly brilliant.
You bring out the best of my curiosity, and make me think in wonderful ways.
A life without you would be a life without discovery.
Because amazing thoughts, are born from amazing questions.
That’s why, I’ll love you till the day I stop thinking.

– love, an always-questioning poet.

17 thoughts on “Dear Question Mark,

    1. Hi Yaami! Thank you! Well whenever I read comments like yours I get really motivated to keep writing. Sometimes I have no idea what to write about, and sometimes I get an idea that I really like. Sometimes before going to bed I write random stuff down, and sometimes that becomes one of my posts. (for example: the artist & Pass me By). Anyways thanks again! I always love reading your kind words πŸ™‚

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